Academic Activities


You can find other lists and biblio-metrics at the dblp and Google scholar (h-index 24).

Journal Publications


  • R. C. Staudemeyer, H. C. Pöhls and M. Wójcik. What it takes to boost Internet of Things privacy beyond encryption with unobservable communication: a survey and lessons learned from the first implementation of DC-net. In Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments (JRIE), 5 (1): 41-64, Apr., 2019. doi...  pdf... 


  • H. C. Pöhls and T. Länger. Einsetzbare Kryptografie für die Cloud. In Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit (digma), 17 (1): 78-81, Mar., 2017.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 


  • H. de Meer, H. C. Pöhls, J. Posegga and K. Samelin. Redactable Signature Schemes for Trees with Signer-Controlled Non-Leaf-Redactions. In Journal of E-Business and Telecommunications, 455: 155-171, 2014. doi...  pdf... 


  • F. Höhne, H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. Rechtsfolgen editierbarer Signaturen. In Datenschutz und Datenrecht (DuD), Volume 36 (6): 485-491, Juni, 2012. pdf... 

Conference Publications


  • L. Sell, H. C. Pöhls and T. Lorünser. C3S: Cryptographically Combine Cloud Storage for Cost-Efficient Availability and Confidentiality. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CLOUDCOM 2018), IEEE, Dec., 2018.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 
  • S. Krenn, H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin and D. Slamanig. Protean Signature Schemes. In Proc. of the 17th conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2018), pages 256-276, Springer, Sept., 2018.  This is the full version also available on eprint. doi...  pdf... 
  • S. Krenn, H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin and D. Slamanig. Chameleon-Hashes with Dual Long-Term Trapdoors and Their Applications. In Progress in Cryptology (AFRICACRYPT 2018), pages 11-32, Springer, May, 2018.  This is the full version. doi...  pdf... 
  • T. Lorünser, H. C. Pöhls, L. Sell and T. Länger. CryptSDLC: Embedding Cryptographic Engineering into Secure Software Development Lifecycle. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2018), pages 4:1-4:9, ACM, Aug., 2018. doi...  pdf... 
  • R. C. Staudemeyer, H. C. Pöhls and M. Wójcik. The road to privacy in IoT: beyond encryption and signatures, towards unobservable communication. In Proc. of The 7th workshop on IoT-SoS: Internet of Things Smart Objects and Services (WOWMOM SOS-IOT 2018), IEEE, July, 2018.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 


  • A. Bilzhause, H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. Position Paper: The Past, Present, and Future of Sanitizable and Redactable Signatures. In Proc. of the Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud to be held at the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES SECPID 2017), Conference Publishing Services (CPS), Sept., 2017.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls and B. Petschkuhn. Towards compactly encoded signed IoT messages. In IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2017), IEEE, Jun., 2017.  This is a pre-print. Original will be available on IEEE Explore. pdf... 
  • M. T. Beck, J. Camenisch, D. Derler, S. Krenn, H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin and D. Slamanig. Practical Strongly Invisible and Strongly Accountable Sanitizable Signatures. In Proc. of 22nd Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2017), pages 437-452, Springer, Jul., 2017.  This is the full version from ePrint. doi...  pdf... 
  • J. Camenisch, D. Derler, S. Krenn, H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin and D. Slamanig. Chameleon-Hashes with Ephemeral Trapdoors And Applications to Invisible Sanitizable Signatures. In Proc. of 20th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography (PKC 2017), pages 152-182, IACR, Mar., 2017.  Full version from ePrint. doi...  pdf... 


  • G. Moldovan, E. Z. Tragos, A. Fragkiadakis, H. C. Pöhls and D. Calvo. An IoT middleware for enhanced security and privacy: the RERUM approach. In Proc. of 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS 2016), IEEE, Nov., 2016.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 
  • C. Frädrich, H. C. Pöhls, W. Popp, N. Rakotondravony and K. Samelin. Integrity and Authenticity Protection with Selective Disclosure Control in the Cloud and IoT. In Proc. of Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2016), Springer, Nov., 2016.  This is the full version. The original publication is available at springerlink.com pdf... 
  • J. Bauer, R. C. Staudemeyer, H. C. Pöhls and A. Fragkiadakis. ECDSA on things: IoT integrity protection in practise. In Proc. of Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2016), Springer, Nov., 2016.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 
  • T. Länger, H. C. Pöhls and S. Ghernaouti. Selected Cloud Security Patterns to Improve End User Security and Privacy in Public Clouds. In Privacy Technologies and Policy - 4th Annual Privacy Forum (APF 2016), Springer, Sept., 2016.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 
  • T. Lorünser, D. Slamanig, T. Länger and H. C. Pöhls. PRISMACLOUD Tools: A Cryptographic Toolbox for Increasing Security in Cloud Services. In Proc. of the Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud to be held at the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES SECPID 2016), Conference Publishing Services (CPS), August, 2016.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 
  • A. Bilzhause, M. Huber, H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. Cryptographically Enforced Four-Eyes Principle. In Proc. of the Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud to be held at the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES SECPID 2016), Conference Publishing Services (CPS), August, 2016.  This is a pre-print. pdf... 
  • M. Mössinger, B. Petschkuhn, J. Bauer, R. C. Staudemeyer, M. Wójcik and H. C. Pöhls. Towards quantifying the cost of a secure IoT: Overhead and energy consumption of ECC signatures on an ARM-based device. In Proc. of The 5th workshop on IoT-SoS: Internet of Things Smart Objects and Services (WOWMOM SOS-IOT 2016), IEEE, July, 2016. doi...  pdf... 
  • A. Kung, F. Kargl, S. Suppan, J. Cuellar, H. C. Pöhls, A. Kapovits, N. Notario and Y. S. Martin. A Privacy Engineering Framework for the Internet of Things. In Proc. of 9th edition of the international conference Computers, Privacy and Data Protection 2016 (CDPD 2016), January, 2016.
  • D. Derler, C. Hanser, H. C. Pöhls and D. Slamanig. Towards Authenticity and Privacy Preserving Accountable Workflows. In Privacy and Identity Management. Time for a Revolution? - Proc. of 10th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School, pages 170-186, Springer, Jun, 2016. doi...  pdf... 


  • F.W.J. v. Geelkerken, H. C. Pöhls and S. Fischer-Hübner. The legal status of malleable- and functional signatures in light of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014. In Proc. of 3rd International Academic Conference of Young Scientists on Law & Psychology 2015 (LPS 2015), pages 404-410, L'viv Polytechnic Publishing House, Nov., 2015. paper... 
  • D. Derler, H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin and D. Slamanig. A General Framework for Redactable Signatures and New Constructions. In Proc. of 18th Annual International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2015), pages 3-19, Springer, Nov., 2015. doi...  pdf... 
  • T. Lorünser, C. B. Rodriguez, D. Demirel, S. Fischer-Hübner, T. Gross, T. Länger, M. d. Noes, H. C. Pöhls, B. Rozenberg and D. Slamanig. Towards a New Paradigm for Privacy and Security in Cloud Services. In New LEIT projects on Security-by-Design - 4th Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum (CSP Forum 2015), Brussels, Belgium, April 28 - 29, Springer, Apr., 2015. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. JSON Sensor Signatures (JSS): End-to-End Integrity Protection from Constrained Device to IoT Application. In Proc. of the Workshop on Extending Seamlessly to the Internet of Things (esIoT), collocated at the 9th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2015), pages 306 - 312, IEEE, Jul., 2015.  The original publication is available at ieeexplore.ieee.org. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. Accountable Redactable Signatures. In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2015), IEEE, Aug., 2015.  The original publication is going to be available soon at ieeexplore.ieee.org. pdf... 


  • H. C. Pöhls, B. Petschkuhn, J. Rückert and M. Mössinger. Aggregation and Perturbation in Practice: Case-Study of Privacy, Accuracy and Performance. In IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), IEEE, 2014. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. On Updatable Redactable Signatures. In Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2014), Springer, 2014.  This is the full version of the original publication. The original publication is available at springerlink.com. doi...  pdf... 
  • E. Z. Tragos, V. Angelakis, A. Fragkiadakis, D. Gundlegard, S. Nechifor, G. Oikonomou, H. C. Pöhls and A. Gavras. Enabling Reliable and Secure IoT-based Smart City Applications. In Proc. of 1st International IEEE Workshop on Pervasive Systems for Smart Cities, IEEE, 2014. doi... 
  • H. C. Pöhls, V. Angelakis, S. Suppan, K. Fischer, G. Oikonomou, E. Z. Tragos, R. D. Rodriguez and T. Mouroutis. RERUM: Building a Reliable IoT upon Privacy- and Security- enabled Smart Objects. In Proc. of the IEEE WCNC 2014 Workshop on Internet of Things Communications and Technologies, IEEE, 2014. doi... 
  • H. de Meer, H. C. Pöhls, J. Posegga and K. Samelin. On the Relation between Redactable and Sanitizable Signature Schemes. In Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS 2014), pages 113-130, Springer International Publishing, 2014.  This is an preliminary version of the original publication. The original publication is available at springerlink.com. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls and M. Karwe. Redactable Signatures to Control the Maximum Noise for Differential Privacy in the Smart Grid. In Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Smart Grid Security (SmartGridSec 2014), Springer International Publishing, 2014.  This is an preliminary version of the original publication. The original publication is available at springerlink.com. doi...  pdf... 


  • C. Brzuska, H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. Efficient and Perfectly Unlinkable Sanitizable Signatures without Group Signatures. In Proc. of the 10th European Workshop: Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications (EuroPKI 2013), pages 12-30, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.  This is an preliminary version of the original publication. The original publication is available at springerlink.com. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. de Meer, H. C. Pöhls, J. Posegga and K. Samelin. Scope of Security Properties of Sanitizable Signatures Revisited. In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2013), pages 188-197, IEEE, Sept, 2013.  This is an preliminary version of the original publication. The original publication is available at ieeexplore.ieee.org. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls, S. Peters, K. Samelin, J. Posegga and H. de Meer. Malleable Signatures for Resource Constrained Platforms. In Information Security Theory and Practice. Security of Mobile and Cyber-Physical Systems (WISTP 2013), pages 18-33, Springer-Verlag, 2013.  This is an preliminary version of the original publication. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. Contingency Revisited: Secure Construction and Legal Implications of Verifiably Weak Integrity. In Trust Management VII (IFIP TM 2013), pages 136-150, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.  This is the preliminary version of the original publication. doi...  pdf... 


  • C. Brzuska, H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. Non-Interactive Public Accountability for Sanitizable Signatures. In Proc. of the 9th European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications (EuroPKI 2012), pages 178, Springer-Verlag, 2012.  This is an extended and revised version of the original publication. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin, J. Posegga and H. de Meer. Flexible Redactable Signature Schemes for Trees --- Extended Security Model and Construction. In Proc. of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2012), pages 113-125, SciTePress, 2012. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls and F. Höhne. Sticky Signatures: Legal Advantages of Redactable Signatures and Credentials in the Food Supply Chain. In Proc. of the 5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Current Issues in IT Security 2012, Dunker & Humblot, Berlin, 2012.
  • K. Samelin, H. C. Pöhls, A. Bilzhause, J. Posegga and H. de Meer. On Structural Signatures for Tree Structured Data. In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2012), Springer, 2012.  This is an extended and revised version of the original publication. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com doi...  pdf... 
  • K. Samelin, H. C. Pöhls, A. Bilzhause, J. Posegga and H. de Meer. Redactable Signatures for Independent Removal of Structure and Content. In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2012), Springer, April, 2012. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls and F. Höhne. The Role of Data Integrity in EU Digital Signature Legislation - Achieving Statutory Trust for Sanitizable Signature Schemes. In Proc. of 7th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2011), pages 175-192, Springer, June, 2012. pdf... 


  • H. C. Pöhls, A. Bilzhause, K. Samelin and J. Posegga. Sanitizable Signed Privacy Preferences for Social Networks. In Proc. of GI Workshop on Privacy and Identity Management for Communities - Communities for Privacy and Identity Management (DICCDI 2011), GI, October, 2011. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin and J. Posegga. Sanitizable Signatures in XML Signature - Performance, Mixing Properties, and Revisiting the Property of Transparency. In Proc. of 9th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2011), Springer, June, 2011. pdf... 


  • H. C. Pöhls. Why Showing one TLS Certificate is not enough? Towards a Browser Feedback for Multiple TLS Certificate Verifications. In Proc. of GI Sicherheit 2010 - Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI, October, 2010. pdf... 
  • F. Höhne and H. C. Pöhls. Staatliche Schutzpflichten für die IT-Infrastruktur. In Proc. of D-A-CH Security 2010, September, 2010.
  • F. Höhne and H. C. Pöhls. Grund und Grenzen staatlicher Schutzpflichten für die IT-Infrastruktur. In Tagungsband der 11. Herbstakademie der Deutschen Stiftung für Recht und Informatik (DSRI): Digitale Evolution - Herausforderungen für das Informations- und Medienrecht, OlWIR Oldenburger Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht, September, 2010.
  • R. Herkenhöner, M. Jensen, H. C. Pöhls and H. de Meer. Towards Automated Processing of the Right of Access in Inter-Organizational Web Service Compositions. In IEEE 2010 International Workshop on WebService and Business Process Security (WSBPS 2010), IEEE, Juli, 2010. doi...  pdf... 


  • B. Braun and H. C. Pöhls. Authenticity: The missing link in the social semantic web. In INFORMATIK 2008 Beherrschbare Systeme - dank Informatik, Digitale Soziale Netze 2008, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Springer, 2008. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. Verifiable and Revocable Expression of Consent to Processing of Aggregated Personal Data. In Proc. of Information and Communications Security (ICICS) 2008, pages 279-293, Springer, 2008. doi...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. ConCert: Content Revocation using Certificates. In GI Sicherheit 2008 - Gesellschaft für Informatik, pages 149-162, GI, April, 2008. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls and L. Westphal. Die "Untiefen" der neuen XML-basierten Dokumentenformate. In 15. DFN CERT Workshop Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen, February, 2008. pdf... 


  • H. C. Pöhls and J. Posegga. Smartcard Firewalls Revisited. In Proc. 7th Intern. Conf. on Smart Card Research and Applications, pages 179-191, Springer Verlag, Apri 19-21, 2006. pdf... 

Books and Book Chapters


  • V. Angelakis, E. Tragos, H. C. Pöhls, A. Kapovits and A. Bassi, Ed. Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities: Urban Design to IoT Solutions. Springer International Publishing, 2017. doi...  pdf... 


  • A. Fragkiadakis, G. Oikonomou, H. C. Pöhls, E. Z. Tragos and M. Wójcik. Securing Communications Among Severely Constrained, Wireless Embedded Devices. In Engineering Secure Internet of Things Systems, The Institute of Engineering and Technology, Oct., 2016. paper... 
  • R. C. Staudemeyer, H. C. Pöhls and B. W. Watson. Security & Privacy for the Internet-of-Things communication in the SmartCity. In Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities: Urban Design to IoT Solutions, pages 28, Springer, 2016.
  • E. Z. Tragos, A. Fragkiadakis, V. Angelakis and H. C. Pöhls. Designing Secure IoT Architectures for Smart City Applications. In Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities: Urban Design to IoT Solutions, Springer, 2016.


  • G. Baldini, T. Peirce, M. Botterman, M. C. Talacchini, A. Pereira, M. Handte, D. Rotondi, H. C. Pöhls, O. Vermesan, A. Baddii, B. Copigneaux, Schreckling, D., L. Vigano, G. Steri, S. Piccione, P. Vlacheas, V. Stavroulaki, D. Kelaidonis, R. Neisse, E. Tragos, P. Smadja, C. Hennebert, M. Serrano, S. Severi, G. Abreu, P. T. Kirstein, S. Varakliotis and A. Skarmeta. Internet of Things -- Governance, Privacy and Security Issues. IERC, 2015.
  • E. Z. Tragos, H. C. Pöhls, R. C. Staudemeyer, D. Slamanig, A. Kapovits, S. Suppan, A. Fragkiadakis, G. Baldini, R. Neisse, P. Langendörfer, Z. Dyka and C. Wittke. Securing the Internet of Things - Security and Privacy in a Hyperconnected World. In Building the Hyperconnected Society - IoT Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets, pages 189-219, River Publishers, Jul., 2015. pdf... 


  • I. Askoxylakis, H. C. Pöhls and J. Posegga, Ed. Proc. of the 6th IFIP WG 11.2 International Workshop on Information Security Theory and Practice. Security, Privacy and Trust in Computing Systems and Ambient Intelligent Ecosystems (WISTP 2012). doi... 

Tech. Reports

  • G. Oikonomou, R. C. Staudemeyer, A. Fragkiadakis, M. Wójcik, E. Tragos, G. Papadopoulos, H. C. Pöhls, D. Gundlegaard, V. Angelakis, S. Katuri, J. Bauer, B. Petschkuhn, P. Charalampidis, G. Stamatakis, M. Surligas and A. Makrogiannakis. Laboratory Evaluation Results (RERUM Deliverable D5.2)., 2016. pdf... 
  • D. Ruiz-López, J. Cuellar, R. C. Staudemeyer, P. Charalampidis, A. Fragkiadakis, P. Kasinathan, H. C. Pöhls, S. Suppan, E. Tragos and R. Weber. Modelling the trustworthiness of the IoT (RERUM Deliverable D3.3)., 2016.
  • D. Ruiz, C. Reyes, A. Fragkiadakis, E. Tragos, V. Siris, A. Traganitis, P. Charalampides, H. C. Pöhls, B. Petschkuhn, J. Bauer, K. Fischer, J. Gessner, S. Suppan, J. Cuellar, M. Wójcik and G. Oikonomou. Enhancing the autonomous smart objects and the overall system security of IoT based Smart Cities (RERUM Deliverable D3.1)., 2015. pdf... 
  • D. Demirel, D. Derler, C. Hanser, H. C. Pöhls, D. Slamanig and G. Traverso. Overview of Functional and Malleable Signature Schemes (PRISMACLOUD Deliverable D4.4)., 2015. pdf... 
  • J. Cuellar, J. Bauer, A. Fragkiadakis, B. Petschkuhn, H. C. Pöhls, D. Ruiz, E. Z. Tragos, R. C. Staudemeyer, S. Suppan, R. Weber and M. Wojcik. Privacy enhancing techniques in Smart City applications (RERUM Deliverable D3.2)., 2015. pdf... 
  • H. de Meer, M. Liedel, H. C. Pöhls, J. Posegga and K. Samelin. Indistinguishability of One-Way Accumulators. Technical Report of Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics (FIM), University of Passau, Number MIP-1210, 2012. pdf... 
  • K. Samelin, H. C. Pöhls, J. Posegga and H. de Meer. Redactable vs. Sanitizable Signatures. Technical Report of Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics (FIM), University of Passau, Number MIP-1208, 2012.
  • H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin, J. Posegga and H. de Meer. Transparent Mergeable Redactable Signatures with Signer Commitment and Applications. Technical Report of Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics (FIM), University of Passau, Number MIP-1206, August, 2012. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls, K. Samelin, J. Posegga and H. de Meer. Length-Hiding Redactable Signatures from One-Way Accumulators in O(n). Technical Report of Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics (FIM), University of Passau, Number MIP-1201, 2012. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. Authenticity and Revocation of Web Content using Signed Microformats and PKI. Technical Report of University of Hamburg, Department of Informatics, Number B-276-07, February, 2007. pdf... 

Selected Presentations and Interviews

  • H. C. Pöhls. Kryptographie --- die neue Generation sicherer Cloud-Services?. Talk at the Hosting and Service Provider Summit 2018, Frankfurt, Germany, 2018. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. Anwendung von Editierbaren Signaturen --- Kryptographische Eigenschaften und mögliche Rechtsfolgen. Talk at the CAST-Workshop "Sichere digitale Archivierung", Darmstadt, Germany, 2016.
  • H. C. Pöhls. Towards compactly encoded signed IoT messages. Talk at the IEEE CAMAD Conference 2016, Lund, Sweden, 2016.
  • H. C. Pöhls. IoT End-to-End Integrity and the Role of Message Encoding. Talk at the Invited presentation at the Department of Science and Technology, Linkoeping University, Sweden, Linkoeping, Sweden, 2016.
  • H. C. Pöhls. Privacy and Security in communications for Smart City applications. Talk at the Invited lecture at the Department of Science and Technology, Linkoeping University, Sweden (Course: TNK-115: Smart Cities), Linkoeping, Sweden, 2015.
  • H. C. Pöhls. Integrity -- Definitions, Pitfalls, and Importance for the Internet of Things. Talk at the Keynote at IEEE WCNC 2014 Workshop on Internet of Things Communications and Technologies (WCNC'14), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. No Integrity, thanks --- Verifiable Explicit Consented Undecidability of Integrity. Talk at the Conference on Information Security Conference 2012 (ISC 2012), Passau, Germany, 2012. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. Authenticity and Confidentiality --- A ``one-night stand`` in TLS?. Talk at the OWASP säker applikationsutveckling at internetdagarna 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, 2011.
  • H. C. Pöhls. Integrity Protection for Authorized Changes - Sanitizable Signatures with Transparency or Detectability. Talk at the KTH Royal Institiute of Technology - School of Computer Science and Communication (CSC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2011.
  • H. C. Pöhls. The State of XML Digital Signatures. Talk at the OWASP AppSec Brazil 2010, Campinas, Brazil, 2010. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. BitFlip: Determine a Data's Signature Coverage from within the Application. Talk at the OWASP AppSec Research 2010, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010. video(flv)...  pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. Digital Signatures and Context-Loss - How Digital Signatures might facilitate Data Protection Claims in SOA. Talk at the hgi-Seminar at the University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2009.
  • H. C. Pöhls. Authenticity for Web Content - Why the web's transport security era must end?. Talk at the 3rd Workshop on Multimedia, Distributed and Pervasive Systems (MDPS), Passau, Germany, 2009. pdf... 
  • H. C. Pöhls. Verifiable and Revocable Expression of Consent to Processing of Aggregated Personal Data. Talk at the 10th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS) 2008, Birmingham, UK, 2008. pdf... 

Lectures and Teaching

Independent teaching activities:

Selected teaching activities, where I was involved also in the design:

The given semester indicates the first occurance.
  • Seminar: Real Life Security / IT Security Unleashed (MSc.-level, 2 SWS, Engl./Ger., Uni Passau, WS2008/09).
  • Seminar: Interdisciplinary seminar on information security with consideration of legal aspects /
    Interdisziplinäres Seminar zur Informationssicherheit unter Berücksichtigung juristischer Aspekte
    (MSc.-level in cooperation with the faculty of law, 2 SWS, German, Uni Passau, WS2009/10).
  • Hands-On Laboratory: Praktikum Sicherheits-Infrastrukturen (MSc.-level, 6 SWS, Engl./Ger., Uni Passau, WS2009/10).
  • Hands-On Laboratory: Software-Sicherheit I (MSc.-level, 6 SWS, German, Uni Hamburg, WS2006/07).
  • Hands-On Laboratory: Software-Sicherheit II (MSc.-level, 6 SWS, German, Uni Hamburg, SS2006).
  • Hands-On Laboratory: Projekt Netzwerksicherheit (MSc.-level, 6 SWS, Engl./Ger., Uni Hamburg, SS2006).
  • Hands-On Laboratory: Praktikum: Reverse Engineering (Diploma-level, 1 week, German, Uni Hamburg, WS2003/04).

Services to the Community

Program committee membership:

Reviewer for program committees / secondary reviewer:

SECRYPT 2016, SECRYPT 2015, WISTP 2014, ESORICS 2014, Crisis 2014, SECRYPT 2013, WISTP 2013, Information Security Technical Report (ISTR), Crisis 2012, ABPSM 2011, WSNSCM 2011, IEEE Pervasive Computing, SECRYPT 2011, IPTComm 2010, SECRYPT 2010, TrustBus 2010, SPCC 2010,TrustBus 2009, WOSIS 2009, SecureComm 2007, WOSIS 2007, WISTP 2007, Computer Networks - Special Issue on Smartcards, KiVS 2007, AmI.d 2006, CARDIS 2006, Internation Journal of Information Security (IJIS), TSPUC 2006, SEC 2006, ISAS 2005, TSPUC 2005, IEEE Security & Privacy, MCTA 2005, SPC 2005, EURESCOM Summit 2005, CCS 2004